Watching your kids leave home and spread their wings without you right by their side can be challenging! We want to keep you up to date with what’s going on in our thriving ministry. Be encouraged in knowing the many ways your child can stay connected with the faith you instilled in them through Bama Catholic. We have a few great ways that you can keep up with the different facets our ministry. Follow our Bama Catholic Facebook page and sign up as a Bama Catholic Parent to get updates on the great things the Lord is doing here on campus at The University of Alabama!
Please always feel welcome to come visit us when you are on campus! We would love to see you at Mass any weekend you come to Tuscaloosa for a visit. Mark your calendar for Parents’ Weekend October 11-13, 2024! We will have a tailgate for students and their parents on the lawn of the Saban Catholic Student Center.
If you ever want to know more, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Please keep our campus ministry in your prayers!